
Spearfishing equipment checklist

Home » Baja California, Mexico » Baja Spearfishing equipment checklist

This guide will walk you through the spearguns, wetsuit, floats and bungees, flashers and other spearfishing gear that you should consider for your Spearfishing charter in Baja. If you need any further help or advice on selecting the right equipment, contact the friendly team at Spearfishing UK.

What spearguns should I pack for my Baja spearfishing trip?

Spearguns are certainly a personal preference – however we tend to find heavier wooden guns shoot better in accuracy, muzzle rotation and recoil. A problem we often see is guns being overpowered, resulting in erratic shot placements.

Twin band speargun by Rob Allen
  • Twin band 110cm speargun rigged with flopper for reef spearfishing. 14 or 16mm bands are both fine.
  • Triple band 130 – 140cm speargun for general blue water spearfishing rigged with 3 bands. 14 or 16mm bands are both fine. Gun must be rigged with a slip-tip for best chances of landing your fish and preserving the most meat.
Rob allen gun

We would recommend you bring at least these two guns. A big big gun for targeting Marlin is also an option. Go as big as you dare for the true monsters out there.

Which spearfishing wetsuit do I need for Baja seasons and locations?

Sea of Cortez side:

Pacific side:

Floats and bungees

A small 11l-ish float for wahoo and dorado.

  • A long thin float line or very stretchy bungee for the above fish.

A large 35l for snappers, marlin and amberjacks.

  • A shorter thick non-stretch float line for the above.


These are shiny fish attractors intended to draw them in closer, distract them and change their direction.  They are very effective on many fish species and they are a must for a blue water trip.

  • An adjustable depth blue water flasher for attracting wahoo, dorado & marlin.
  • A couple of cheap throw flashers for distracting incoming fish and altering their direction.
Rob Allen flasher

Other spearfishing gear

  • Dive watch for safe diving. Aside from tracking your depth and dive time, they allow you to check how much time you are spending on the surface between dives, promoting safer dives. Most divers allow three to four times their dive time on the surface for safe breath ups. So if you spend a minute under water, allow three to four minutes on the surface to allow the CO2 to leave your body and minimise the risk of shallow water black out.
  • Comfortable freedive fins. DiveR innegra are our personal favourites if the budget allows.
  • Torch for hunting snappers. These fish are often holed up in caves and holes so a torch allows you to find them much easier.
  • Stringer for reef spearfishing.
  • A spare mask in case you lose yours or it breaks.
  • Mask anti fog – the waters in Baja can get very hot, adding to masks fogging up more than usual. Baby shampoo works perfectly and is very cheap.
  • A spare knife – they get lost all the time!
  • Empty dive belt – we supply the dive weights.
  • Sunscreen.
  • Appropriate clothing to protect against the sun when travelling to dive spots and returning from dives. A hat, hooded top and a face buff.
  • Energy shakes and electrolyte drinks or mixing powder.
  • Sea sickness tablets – sea sickness can sideline the hardiest and most determined of divers. If you know you are prone to this aliment, then don’t leave it to chance. Find a brand that works for you and stick to it.
  • Spare spears and rigging equipment. You wont find this gear easily or locally here so if you land a fish that destroys gear, you’ll need spares on hand.
Diverr innegra fins

Optional spearfishing considerations

Fish can be speed-frozen here in Baja ready for taking home. Consider investing in a good cool box to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to share your catch with family and friends. Look for something light but efficient. Remember you can’t put ice in while flying due to the risk of leakage over other passengers’ luggage.

Sportubes are great for protecting your equipment while flying over: specifically, your fins and spears where it’s paramount to keep them from getting bent during transit. The only downside is that they weigh about 7kgs empty – so they eat up a good chunk of your weight allowance before you have even packed it.

Sportube hard case

Action camera: Whist this is obviously a personal preference, we find that a gun-mounted camera offers the most stable and usable footage. Head-mounted cameras tend to be shaky and motion sickness inducing! The downside to gun mounting your camera is that it can get in the way of loading an already ‘difficult to load’ speargun, so make sure you get in plenty of practice beforehand

Know your gear!

One last recommendation: know your gear, especially your spearguns!

Without doubt the biggest reason for people missing that fish of lifetime is not getting to grips with their equipment well before their holiday. Everyone’s excited to be on that trip of a lifetime. They spend all that money on travel, accommodation, charters, investing in new guns … but fail to learn how to shoot them.

All spearguns shoot differently. Shorter overhang spears shoot higher than longer overhang spears; mid-handles shoot differently to rear handles. Some have kick and rotation while others are butter-smooth. If you have guns with any of these variables or you’re not used to them, you’ll find it near impossible to shoot accurately and consistently when swapping between the two.

If you’re going to treat yourself to some new guns, do it well in advance of your dream holiday, not the week before – and get some solid target practise in the run up. Every gun shoots different, some more than others. Don’t leave this critical part of your spearfishing adventure to chance. Come prepared with your shooting instinctive and on the mark. That way you can maximise your chances of making the most from every situation the ocean presents to you and you won’t miss that fish of a lifetime.

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